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sâmbătă, 19 noiembrie 2011

Te pastrez

"When words fail, music speaks." :) 

 Jamie Woon - Shoulda

Walked when I shoulda run
Ran when I shoulda walked
And don't I know it
And don't I know it...

Walked when I shoulda run
And I ran when I shoulda walked
And don't I know it
And don't I know it...

You get inside me
Even when you went beside me...
And I go into hiding
And I know I never leave it alone...

Another round of if only's
Of all the ways you could know me
How I take time going slowly
Of a time that I did on my own..

Still I walked when I shoulda run
And I ran when I shoulda walked
And don't I know it, don't I know it
And don't I know it...

Well, I walked when I shoulda run
And I ran when I shoulda walked
And don't I know it, don't I know it
And don't I know it

And your head's in the ocean
Too deep to know where you're going
Hoping time can be frozen
And you'll end up where you really belong...

But the days keep on rolling
We live in different moments
And the hurt is unfolding
Everyday that we do and we don't

Still I walked when I shoulda run
And I ran when I shoulda walked
And don't I know it, don't I know it
And don't I know it, don't I know it

Well, I walked when I shoulda run
And I ran when I shoulda walked
And don't I know it, don't I know it
And don't I, don't I, don't I know it
No-no-no, no-no-no

Sign for what's been
Sign for what never been
The line under what's been
The line for what never been

And the years are collected
I pray that we are regret less
You and I, the connected
You and I and the blood and the bone. 

Bun venit in viata mea! Nu te astepta sa iti pun covorul rosu cand intrii in ea.
De obicei eu il pun la plecare, ca sa nu simti pamantul dur sub picioare...

Intrii usor, iesi greu...
Viata mea a fost un  teren minat mereu.

Jos cortina. Sting lumina...
Inchid ochii...se joaca retina.
Pupila sedata
Iubire necontrolata.

Placere infinita
De doua inimi adapostita.

Mon amour, jur ca inima am sa ti-o fur...

Stai te rog cu mine, nu imi mai da drumul
M-am saturat sa ma tot uit singura cum din tigara cade scrumul...

Timpul sa treaca mai usor in doi
Sa nu mai fim pe dinauntru amandoi...atat de goi.

Eu cu tine, NOI acum... mergem inainte sau ne intoarcem din drum?
Ce esti tu? Esti zaharul din cafeaua mea, esti ambitia si alinarea mea.
Te-am vrut atunci, te vreau si acum, te vreau mereu.

Nu imi spune unde suntem acum, hai sa ne prierdem printre sunete, cuvinte si fum.

Atat iti cer: "Hug me till you drug me, honey...kiss me till I'm in a coma." <3
I...miss you. Nu ca as vrea, dar asta simt...astea sunt simptomele. :) Vreau sa te pastrez, vreau sa nu dispari...vreau sa nu renunti. :) 

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