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miercuri, 10 august 2011


Si ma mai apuca nostalgia cateodata. Si mi se mai pune pata pe cate-o melodie uneori...

Smiley - Dream girl  

I’m sitting alone drinking alcohol
I’m Writing a song about you
I know it’s so sad, maybe even mad
But I know what you’re doing behind my back...

 You say you’re in love, in love with me
But I know that you’re lying to me...
You say you’re in love, in love with me
But I know that you’re lying to me...

My dream girl is gone now and the story goes on
So what can I do with my life without you?
My dream girl is gone now and the story goes on
So what can I do with my life without you?

You’re nothing but a hoe, always ready to go
You sold your soul for a little dough
And I can’t understand how we could be friends
Let go out of my hand, this is where it ends.

You say you’re in love, in love with me
But I know that you’re lying to me!
You say you’re in love, in love with me
But I know that you’re lying to me!

My dream girl is gone now and the story goes on
So what can I do with my life wïthout you?
My dream girl is gone now and the story goes on
So what can I do with my life wïthout you?

No words....


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